Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wlcome to my Blog

I'll show that asshole Denny over at Grouchy Old Cripple. How dare he edit my comments. I'm going to team up with Haha and together we'll show that wingnut how blogging should be done. He should be arrested and sent down to Gitmo. dudley1 too.

And CharlieDelta, I didn't really give money to Soldiers Angels. You were right. I hate the military and everyone of those war crininals deserved everything they got!


  1. Hi Sally I just stopped by to see your new blog. I was at the crips site and he linked to it. I thought it was nice of him to do so. I hope you don't mind me stopping by and commenting even though I'm not a commie or a feminist. I will be back to read your blog when there is something worth while to read , bye for now.

  2. This site is a poorly-done parody. Right?

  3. OOOH Sally! Ah m soo glaed yer bak. Ma boi be needin a gud wimon in hiz laf Can U sned sum monee for a bus sew he kin git outa hear? the state is neer baroak doo to that idjimit Swattsanigger. Hee iz jest yer tipicool rethug.
    Puhleez hep mah boi Haha.

  4. Hey Silly, you ignorant slut. How's the ambulance chasing goin? Did you make it to "Law And Order" yet? No?

    Shit, I figgered you as a skank, but damn! You are one fugly beeeeotch!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
