Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Franken Won!

Haha wingnuts! Franken won! That gives we good guys a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. You guys are gonna lose big time now. Cap and trade will pass. We're gonna save the planet. Obama will be able to pass his entire agenda and there is nothing you guys can do to stop it. What do you have to say to that losers?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Still Popular

Hey wingnuts! Obama's approval rating is still over 90%. Obama is a very shrewd and effective politician. He's going to stay popular. He'll be reelected in a landslide in 2012. I'm hoping we can repeal the 22nd Amendment and Obama can become president for life. Face it wingnuts. The Republican Part is dead. You guys are losers.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cheating Republicans

Ha! Ha! Wingnuts. Two more Republicans cheated on their wives. What do you have to say about that?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Go Senator Boxer!

I love Barbara Boxer! She sure did tell off that general who disrespected her by calling her ma'am. She is a United States Senator and not a ma'am. She should be treated with the utmost respect. I hate the military!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Where Is Everybody?

Where are all of my fans? Here I am, one of the smartest people on the web and I'm not getting any readers. Why is that?

Friday, June 12, 2009

David Letterman

What's all the fuss about David Letterman and Sarah Palin? It was just a joke after all. Don't you wingnuts have a sense of humor? We already know her daughter is a slut because she had a child out of wedlock so what's the big fuss about her getting knocked up at a baseball game? You wingnuts sure do have thin skins. I bet Denny will make Letterman his Asshole of the Week. Denny should make himself Asshole of the Week. LOL. Anyway her slutty daughter should have had an abortion. So should Palin rather than bringing a retarded child into this world and after bringing that retarded child into this world she should have stayed home and taken care of it rather than running for office. What kind of a mother is she? I sure hope you wingnuts are planning on running Palin in 2012. Obama would win in a landslide.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hi Wingnuts

I notice that I'm getting a lot of readers coming from that idiotic Groucy Old Cripple site. Welcome to a site that represents what a majority of Americans believe. Here you will get the truth not the made up stuff like Denny posts. When I cite a poll it is for real. 90% of Americans believe that our wonderful president, Barack Obama is doing a great job. Take that wingnuts!

Health Care

I am so looking forward to the day when our brilliant president gives us government health care. Then everyone in the country will have high quality free health care. Of course the wingnuts say that this is impossible but they are wrong just like they always are. All we have to do is raise taxes on the rich and make them pay their fair share.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The wingnuts are railing about 9.4% unemployment. Boo hoo. These are Bushitlers' job losses. If McStain had won, unemployment would be over 20%. Obama's stimulus has saved jobs. Soon we'll see those 3.5 million green jobs that he promised. Take that wingnuts! And Obama's approval rating is still over 90%.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I Was Wrong

OK. I'll admit it. I was wrong on the 95% figure. The latest polls actually give Obama a 94% approval rating. So there! Take that wingnuts! And that means you dudley1. How dare you question me!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Listen Up Wingnuts!

Socialism is just around the corner and you better get used to it. You wingnuts want to take care of yourselves but we aren't going to let you. WE are going to take care of you and you better get used to it. Socialism rules!

By the way dudley1, I'm sick and tired of you putting me in my place so if you ever comment here it will be deleted immediately you evil conservative!

I don't like facts! I'm fueled by emotion. Facts suck and so do Republicans. LOL!

Latest Polls

The latest polls show that Obama has a 95% approval rating. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it dudley1!

Green is Good!

Do you notice that my blog is green? Just like me. Green is good! Al Gore is a god. So is Obama.

Wlcome to my Blog

I'll show that asshole Denny over at Grouchy Old Cripple. How dare he edit my comments. I'm going to team up with Haha and together we'll show that wingnut how blogging should be done. He should be arrested and sent down to Gitmo. dudley1 too.

And CharlieDelta, I didn't really give money to Soldiers Angels. You were right. I hate the military and everyone of those war crininals deserved everything they got!