Friday, June 11, 2010

Better Than Bush

That's right. You heard me! Obama is twenty times better than Bush could ever hope to be. At least on Day 1 our President was there looking out for the people affected by the Golf War Spill. He wasn't on vacation like Bush constantly was in redneck Texas! LOL! This President has supported the working class on the Golf War Coast from the beginning and you Bush-bots try to chastise him for doing the best he could do to recover from the last eight years of the Rove/Cheney corruption. LOL! You tea-baggers will never get it will you? Progressives are going to take over this country whether you hayseeds like it or not. It's the new world order without the red necks.

Blame Obama all you will. In the end, the history books will tell the story like it really was. Bush lied, the ocean-life died.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I am so sick of you Nazi Bush-loving right wing assholes and your desire for freedom. You pricks will never get it will you? I look forward to stifling your feeble attempt at freedom and the American way of life. Fuck. You.

I despise you right wing hayseeds!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ha ha wingnuts. Congress just passed health care reform. Your party is dead. The Democrats are gonna win the midterm elections in a landslide. Obama's poll numbers are gonna stay over 90%. You guys are losers!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Polls

Live with it wingnuts! Obama still has an approval rating over 80% according to the latest polls. We're also going to pass health care, cap and trade, and gun registration laws. You wingnuts are such losers. The Democrats are going to win in a landslide in the midterm elections. All the polls say so.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Harry Reid, Hero

Thank you Harry Reid. You sure showed those Rethuglicans with your one liner today. Yayyyyyy.Comparing them to slave owners was a great move! You are my hero Harry.

If I wasn't a lesbian I would suck your Harry dick! Can we hang out?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Enemies List

So Obama has a Nixon-style enemies list? Well, if Rove makes something up about a Democrat, then it must be true! Hilarious. Rove never even attempts to be honest and straightforward. He's merely a political operative who spins, obfuscates and just plain makes shit up. Rove isn't interested in the truth...ever. He just maneuvers. The really sad thing is that wingnuts just buy it without giving it any thought. If there is a negative accusation about a Democrat, they believe it. If someone on Fox News says tomorrow that Obama strangled a baby to death when he was in law school, they'd believe it without question. Rethuglicans have to learn critical thinking skills and hopefully how to think for themselves. They have to be more than mind-numbed robots who will believe anything and everything negative about anyone on the left and anything and everything positive about anyone on the right. The world is more complicated than that. Of course it is much easier to see everything in black and white, particularly when they have limited education. Fortunately, I'm reallt smart and have a good education and I get all my news from the unbiased MSNBC.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wall Street loves B. Hussein Obama. The nioronic wingnuts claimed that the falling stock market after his election showed that investors had no confidence in Obama and what he'd do to the economy. Now the DJIA is up over 10,000 and has jumped 25% since his election. So I guess investors have figured out that Obama and his stimulus package are great for the economy. Is there any logical consistency among the right-wing nutcases?