Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All Star Game

OMG! Did you see the game last night? I don't normally watch baseball, but when I heard that Obama was going to throw out the first pitch, I had to turn it on. I was glued to the screen. Did you hear all the cheers when he came on the field? I have never heard a presdident cheered louder. And some of them were even cheering him by name "Bo! Bo!" They sure do pronounce if funny in St. Louis. And his pitch? It was a perfect strike right down the middle. How about the way the sportscasters gushed over him? He is the most popular president ever! No wonder his approval ratings are still over 90%.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Russia Loves Obama

Obama went to Russia and just like everywhere he's been, he wowed them. They couldn't get enough of him. He got standing ovations everywhere that he spoke. They also love his wife just like the rest of the world does. He is the best president ever and his approval rating is still over 90%. I really hope that we make him president for life.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Palin Quits

Haha wingnuts! Another loser bites the dust. Sarah Palin couldn't handle the pressure and she quit her job as governor. What do you wingnuts think of your hero now? The Republican Party is in shambles. Meanwhile Obama's approval rating remains over 90%. 90% of the country believes it is headed in the right direction. There will never be another Republican president. Losers!